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  • Brazil on Path to Have the Worst Orange Harvest in 36 Years After Heat Wave

Brazil on Path to Have the Worst Orange Harvest in 36 Years After Heat Wave

.. and the Florida all orange production is down 5%.

Loads of citrus news today with 2 major crop updates… which are still only faint warnings of what’s to come. For those on LinkedIn, please join in this discussion, which also refers to the changes in consumer behavior:

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📊 Crop Updates

  • Florida All Orange Production is Down 5 Percent from April

  • Florida Non-Valencia Orange Production Unchanged

  • Florida Valencia Orange Production Down 8 Percent

  • Florida All Grapefruit Production Down 10 Percent

  • Florida All Tangerine and Tangelo Unchanged

  • Total orange crop production forecast: 307.22 million boxes (unchanged)

  • Hamlin, Westin and Rubi: 58.09 million boxes (unchanged)

  • Other early season: 18.51 million boxes (unchanged)

  • Pera Rio: 97.62 million boxes (unchanged)

  • Valencia and Valencia Folha Murcha: 105.20 million boxes (unchanged)

  • Natal: 27.80 million boxes (unchanged)

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